That Rotten Fruit
How did women become second class citizens? Why has her voice been diminished or silenced? "Putting women in their place", silencing them, covering them up, or limiting their power happens in most societies, whether religious, agnostic, democratic or communist.
I find an answer in Genesis in the Hebrew Scripture. Ishshah (Hebrew pronunciation) ate the fruit, then gave it to Iysh, and he ate. And as a result for Woman, Man/Husband would have power over her. The imbalance, the relationship hierarchy started there. Harder toil, blame, improper desire, and strained relationship between husband and wife all became a consequence of listening and acting upon a voice that questioned the quality and the far reaching ability of the impact of Life.
Yesterday was Woman's Equality Day. What is the fear of allowing Ishshah/Woman to be fully equal? Choosing not to perpetuates humankind living beneath itself. The damage has occurred but it is revocable. As the Human Race we can no longer afford to daily choose less than the Life we have been gifted to lead. And yes, the Voice is still speaking today.